When it comes to workplace injuries it is important for the physiotherapist or chiropractor to do a functional assessment and to determine the extent of your injury along with coordinating reports from your doctor, yourself and your workplace supervisor, yourself and your workplace supervisor.
Performing a functional assessment allows for early determination of baseline from which your recovery can be marked and monitored effectively. The baseline also helps us as healthcare practitioners to determine and provide feedback to WCB of your progress and how your recovery is shaping up. In the unfortunate event that your recovery is taking longer or there is a barrier to your recovery this can be monitored or determined, and appropriate additional referrals can be made. If there is a need for an x-ray or an MRI or any appropriate diagnostic imaging required, this also can be communicated with your case manager as well as your family doctor. At Sage Meadows Medical Centre the allied health team has access to providing quality care and doing an appropriate functional assessment to determine and guide your recovery.