TMJ abbreviated from ‘Temporomandibular joint’ or joint of our jaw, can become sensitized after major dental work, chronic pain, long standing issues from the joint itself and if the bite is not closing or opening properly.
Splints can help but long-standing muscle dysfunction can persist and lead to pain and difficulty to chew. Depending on condition sometimes the disc in the joint can be affected wherein a specific dental procedure is needed. After this, muscles do require treatment and can be performed by your physiotherapist to help assist regaining normal movement. In some cases you may be also referred to one of our trained massage therapists who can also help out. There are various treatments/therapeutic techniques that are done and will collectively assist function improvement. Your therapist will provide you with self-care management strategies that include exercises and stretches for your jaw. There are times at which the temporo-mandibular joint is affected by other mitigating factors and other joints also need to be assessed and treated before direct treatment may be applied to the TMJ. It is important to speak with your dentist as well as Physiotherapist on strategies and to monitor your progress.
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